Laos is one of the most biologically diverse countries in the world. Discover our database with profiles of animal, plant, and fungi species, portraits of agrobiodiversity champions, and a comprehensive literature repository. Explore
Interested to learn more about agrobiodiversity practices and innovative initiatives? These stories will inspire you to discover new opportunities, learn new skills and get new ideas.
Moringa powder: the green gold
ສວນຄົວ ຄືພື້ນຖານ ສໍາລັບໂພຊະນາການທີ່ດີ Home gardens are roots for good nutrition
ນໍ້ານົມແບ້ ສຳລັບໂພຊະນາການຂອງເດັກ Do you know You can milk your goats
ຖົ່ວຂຽວ ໃຫ້ທາດໂປຣຕິນ Mungbeans protein that comes from plants
ປາແຫ້ງບົດ ຊ່ວຍໃຫ້ກະດູກແຂງແຮງ
Doi Ka Noi: A frequent user of Pha Khao Lao
Lao Kitchen
Lao cuisine is both healthy and rich in flavor. International celebrity chefs like Gordon Ramsay and local icons like Ponpailin ‘Noi’ Kaewduangdee are putting Laos on the map as a foodie destination. Discover the Lao kitchen using our collection of inspiring cooking videos. Whether you are new to Lao food, or just looking for a different recipe to cook for your family, we got you covered. Discover the Lao kitchen using our collection of inspiring cooking videos. Whether you are new to Lao food, or just looking for a different recipe to cook for your family, we got you covered.
The latest updates about agrobiodiversity in Laos, featuring news from the media, information about events and training opportunities, policy news, and other news.