Rattan purée (awm nyot wai )

This tasty Vientiane recipe was modified by Bill Tuffin to expand The Boat Landing’s vegetarian offerings. Bill added the fermented soybean paste , one of his favourite flavouring agents. For non-vegetarians, this dish is excellent accompanying a fish, pork or chicken moke.

•  2 large cloves of garlic, peeled 
•  Equal amount brown or red shallots, peeled 
•  2 C for rattan shoots, cut into thumb-size pieces 
•  ¼ – ½ C oil 
•  3 T for fermented soybean paste 
•  2 t of stock powder 
•  1 C for water 
•  1 T for fish sauce 
•  3 T for coriander leaves, finely chopped 
•  ¼ C for spring onion greens or Chinese chives, finely sliced
Serves four as part of a Lao meal.

1.  Place the garlic and shallots in a mortar. Pound until smashed and juicily integrated (or use a food processor or blender).
2.  Steam the rattan until soft. Remove. 
3.  Heat a wok and add oil. When the oil is hot, add the garlic/shallot mix. Fry for 3 minutes or until golden and translucent, stirring regularly to prevent burning.
4.  Place the steamed rattan in the mortar; pound to break up. Cream slightly. 
5.  When the garlic/shallot mix has become translucent, add the fermented bean paste. Continue to fry, turning frequently to prevent burning. 
6.  Add the pounded rattan to the wok. Mix. Sprinkle in the stock powder and add 1 cup water. When the mixture starts to simmer, reduce heat. Continue simmering, stirring occasionally. The dish is ready when its consistency reaches a thick stew. 
7.  Taste. Add 1 tablespoon of fish sauce (or to taste). Mix in coriander and spring onion greens. 
8.  Transfer to a bowl and serve.

stir,reaches a thick stew

•  This recipe is cooked for vegetarian 
•  Add chicken, fish or pork instead of fermented soybean past, if you are not vegetarian

Information by Food from Northern Laos (The Boat Landing Cookbook)


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