22 May, International Day of Biological Diversity

Join phakhaolao.la in celebrating the International Day of Biological Diversity

The 22nd May is the International Day of Biological Diversity (www.cbd.int/biodiversity-day).

Why should we care about it?

Biodiversity refers to the diversity of living organisms: animals, plants, and fungi. A rich biodiversity offers many services to humans: a healthy and diverse diet, a variety of economic resources, protection from natural hazards, mitigation of climate change, and others.

The International Day of Biological Diversity is important for Laos. The unique and precious biodiversity of our country is increasingly being threatened by the expansion of agricultural land and settlements, illegal logging, hunting and poaching, wildlife trade, etc.

We cannot just watch this happening. This is why Phakhao Lao is dedicated to raise the awareness of a broad public in Laos about the importance of biodiversity, particularly biodiversity in agricultural systems. Phakhao Lao is an online platform, accessible through the web (www.phakhaolao.la), Facebook (Phakholaoplatform), and an Android app (search for Pha Khao Lao in the Playstore).

Phakhao Lao is active since 2018, and already includes a unique database of more than 1000 animal, plant and fungi species. It also features 340 agro-biodiversity articles, stories, and videos with interesting background information in Lao and English, as well as a good number of super tasty Lao recipes that will help you put Lao biodiversity into your plate.

We are all responsible to protect our natural heritage for ourselves, and for our children and grandchildren. Use it – Don’t lose it!


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