CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: 2020 Global Youth Biodiversity Summit in Miyazaki, Japan

GYBN is extremely proud to announce the 2020 Global Youth Biodiversity Summit in Miyazaki, Japan.

Call for applications

GYBN is extremely proud to announce the 2020 Global Youth Biodiversity Summit in Miyazaki, Japan

Applications are open until 5 February 2020 at 23:59 PST! So hurry and apply now at 

The goals of the 2020 Global Youth Biodiversity Summit in Miyazaki are:
1) Bring together the youth community active on biodiversity 
2) Consolidate a youth position for the post-2020 global biodiversity framework
3) Work together on actions for the youth roadmap for the post-2020 framework
4) Kick-start a youth-led implementation action plan for 2020-2030 to support the framework
5) Celebrate 10 years of youth engagement in the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and United Nations Decade on Biodiversity.

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