Commercial crop cultivation seen as way out of poverty in Huaphan

Xamneua district in Huaphan province will encourage villagers to grow crops for sale so they can earn more money and ease their poverty

Deputy Governor of Xamneua, Mr Anonglack Sengsouliya, said the district has 110 villages that are home to 10,165 households and a total population of 62,420. Sixty-eight of the villages are officially classified as poor, as are 2,404 households, meaning district officials have more work to do to increase wealth levels. They plan to do this by persuading people to grow crops that they can sell. Building more access roads to villages as well as roads that link farming areas will help villagers to transport their crops and get them to points of sale, Mr Anonglack said. The district also plans to set up village development funds and arrange for bank loans so that people can borrow money to invest in agricultural production, animal husbandry, weaving, handicraft-making, and growing fruit trees. District officials are dividing up land for farming use and will encourage people to grow organic vegetables for sale.

Over the past five years, 22 villages have succeeded in significantly alleviating poverty, so progress is being made. The next five-year socio-economic development plan (2020-2024) will support these efforts with the goal of reducing the number of poor households to 14.92 per cent.

Information source: Vientiane Times
