Drought may affect orange yield in Xaysomboun

The drought this year may hit the orange yield in Xaysomboun province resulting in diminishing incomes

A gardener of Namxan village, Longchaeng district, Xaysomboun province, Mr Norvang Moua, said that his family has been growing oranges for many years and earning up to 150 to 160 million kip per year. Namxon is a popular village in Xaysomboun province and is known for growing oranges as per the government’s policy of supporting commercial crop production. In 2002, Mr Norvang’s family started growing oranges over three hectares and this has helped supplement their family income. He said this year the yield is likely to be affected by drought and at best he will earn only 50 to 60 million kip. Mr Norvang said growing oranges has helped alleviate poverty in his family. He said the oranges are sold in Phu Bia mining company, markets in Xaysomboun province, Vientiane city, and to other traders, who directly buy from his garden for 90,000 kip per 12 kg.

Information source: Vientiane Times.


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