Info Session on new CRS Nutrition Research Project

We would like to inform you of a new project CRS hopes to begin with the Ministry of Health called the “Applied Nutrition Research Capacity Building Project.” This project is made possible by the generous support of the American People through the USAID/Laos Country Office and will be led by CRS with technical support from Purdue University and Indiana University. This project is four years, funded until September 2023, and will be based out of offices at the new Center for Nutrition in space called “LANI” – The Lao American Nutrition Initiative. This space is dedicated to housing US-funded support for the Center of Nutrition, and for Nutrition Research. 

In January-February 2020, CRS staff undertook a Needs Assessment to determine the best fit for project resources in supporting Nutrition Research in Laos. The staff has interviewed over 55 stakeholders, including many of you, as well as many government offices involved in Nutrition Research.

Goal: “Improve capacity to conduct and Utilize Nutrition research in Lao PDR.”
1) Support the Center for Nutrition through operation systems strengthening and essential nutrition research services, with a focus on anthropometrics
2) Support MoH universities/Institutes to enhance nutrition research capacity amongst faculty
3) Support multi-sectoral initiatives that improve coordination and collaboration on nutrition research.

CRS and government partners are finalizing the project details in the coming months and welcome input from all stakeholders in the Nutrition sector. An informational Zoom session will be held at 9:30 am (Laos Time) on Thursday, April 30th, 2020. Please see the Zoom link below.
Meeting ID: 939 2098 4333
Password: Laos

If you have any further questions/comments please contact Clare Gooding, Program Manager (). Questions may be sent in Lao or English.  

CRS and government partners are finalizing the project details in the coming months and welcome input from all stakeholders in the Nutrition sector. An informational Zoom session will be held at 9:30am (Laos Time) on Thursday, April 30th, 2020. Please see the Zoom link below.
Meeting ID: 939 2098 4333
Password: Laos

If you have any further questions/comments please contact Clare Gooding, Program Manager (). Questions may be sent in Lao or English.  


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