Naxaithong focuses on commercial crop production

Naxaithong district, Vientiane, will focus on commercial crop production to improve the living standards of villagers. Naxaithong is a district that has tremendous potential in growing commercial crops.

District officials have been focusing on introducing modern techniques and building model families for others to emulate. They have also set up a group to rear animals as it will help villagers earn more. The Governor of Naxaithong district, Mr Vilaysack Nammounty, said the farming area in the district is 12,275 hectares. Rainy season rice was sown on 7,994 hectares and dry season rice on 4,281 hectares. He said Naxaithong district comprises of 54 villages and around 75 per cent of villagers have been engaged in agricultural production. There are 17 irrigation systems that supply water all year round. Naxaithong district is supporting organic commercial crop production and is employing modern techniques to help improve the quality and quantity of the yield, Mr Vilaysack explained. He said the district has 212 mod l families, seven production groups, 257 animal farms and together they can supply 14,206 tonnes of meat per year. Besides, the villages produce 9,681 tonnes of vegetables per year and 53,000 tonnes of rice per year, Mr Vilaysack said. He said the district has six units for One District One Product and this is helping villagers earn more and improve their living standards.

Information source: Vientiane Times.


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