Nutrition Sensitive Value Chain Analysis (NSVCA) for Accelerating Healthy Agriculture and Nutrition (AHAN) Project Final Report

The AHAN project NSVC Analysis (NSVCA) started with designing the criteria for selection of shortlisted nutritious rich food value chains that have potential to improve local nutrition with potential to improve productivity and value addition, as well as, potential to increase income through production, demand and income impact pathways for better food system.

In consultation with and verification from PAFOs, DAFOs and project technical team, and targeted communities, the nutrition rich foods including native chicken, frog, cricket, corn, banana, pumpkin and moringa were selected for detailed VC analysis in targeted districts and provinces. These products particularly, some crops are relatively high in protein, mineral, vitamins, dietary diversity, local availability and familiarity, as well as, potential for value addition.

Field visits were conducted between 22nd April and 11th May, 2019 in seven targeted districts of three provinces namely: Samakixay, Saravan, Laongam, Ta-oy, Sepon, Atsaphone and Xonbouly. A total of 49 individual households, 21 Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) in 14 main villages were participated in the discussion and interviews. About 20 local collectors, traders, wholesaler and retailers who are based in surveyed villages, districts, Pakse and Savannakhet were also discussed and interviewed.

Results of the field survey indicate that native chicken, corn, banana and pumpkin are very localized in targeted districts with some local market linkages have been well established; however, rather low productivities were commonly observed mainly, resulting from “low input, low output” with organic by default and traditional production system practiced and thus, low profit and low return on labor. The indicative cost-benefit analysis of these selected products shows that with current production system, farmers get profit (profit margin) of about 35 USD/83 birds/year/ HH (13.9%), 155 USD/0.48 ha/year/HH (60%), 169 USD/0.82 ha/year/HH (57%) and 115 USD/0.5 ha/year/HH (50%) for chicken, corn, banana, and pumpkin respectively.

Information source: LaoFAB & Reliefweb


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