Saravan farmers harvesting wet season rice crop

Farmers in Toumlan district, Saravan province, are harvesting their wet season rice crop before they start sowing seeds for the dry season crop

Head of the district’s Agriculture and Forestry Office, Mr Kouynaly Boudtalard, said farmers had planted rice on 5,706 hectares, equalling 96 per cent of the target area. The start of the season was plagued by water shortages which affected 400 hectares and rice was damaged on 14.9 hectares. Later on, some rice fields were inundated by floods and the viable crop area was reduced to 4,800 hectares so district officials and villagers took special care to protect the plants and prevent pest damage. Farmers have now harvested 17 per cent of the crop and are anticipating a yield of 16,368 tonnes. In addition, villagers grew vegetables on 100 hectares.

Information source: Vientiane Times


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