Sub-Sector Working Group on Agrobiodiversity

The Sub-Sector Working Group on Agro-biodiversity is a platform to bring policy makers and stakeholders together to improve conservation and utilization of Agro-biodiversity. The objective is to promote  policy aspects regarding the conservation and sustainable use of agro-biodiversity and access and benefit sharing in the context of the implementation of the Agriculture Development Strategy 2025 as well as strategic issues of the National Agrobiodiversity Programme (2015-2020).

This session features the following presentations.

Presentation 1: Results of the Policy analysis on scaling green agriculture
by: Mr. Khamphou Phyoyyavong, NAFRI

Presentation 2: Overview of the Mountain Futures Initiative and potential for Laos
by: Dr. Xu Jianchu, Kunming Institute of Botany

Presentation 3: Launching of Pha Khao Lao Portal (introduction and official Launch)
by: Mr. Manoluck Bounsihalath, NAFRI

Presentation 4: Prioritization on Future Smart Food among NUS for Zero Hunger in Lao PDR
by: Dr. Siviengkhak, NAFRI

Presentation 5: Developing markets and food products from under-utilized species – experiences from Xiengkhouang
by: Mrs. Nongnut Foppes, Xaoban Food Group


Secretariat of the Sub Sector Working Group on Agro-Biodiversity (sSWG-ABD)

Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry

National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute (NAFRI)

Tel: +856-21 770094">


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