The benefits of Pandan are very diverse

Pandan is a plant that has been used already for a long time and local people are well known with

Pandan contains several health benefits and especially the leaves are an important source for certain treatments. For example, the leaves can help to treat problems of the cardiovascular system and to reduce the effects of influenza. Besides, the root and stem can help with balancing the body, reducing fever and curing diabetes. You can use the leaves to make a healthy juice. 

How to make Pandan juice: 
•    Wash the Pandan leaves and cut them in half.
•    Put the leaves into a blender with a little water and blend until the leaves are cut into fine pieces. 
•    After that, filter out the waste and pour the green Pandan juice into a cup. 
•    Boil the juice for about 20 minutes. 
•    You can drink the Pandan juice both hot and cold. For the best result, drink the juice every day until you are feeling better. 

Compile: FA (Information source: ໜັງສືພີມເສດຖະກິດ-ສັງຄົມ)


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