World Soil Day 2022 (WSD2022) Celebration

DALaM and FAO are pleased to invite you to participate in the World Soil Day 2022 (WSD2022) Celebration, at the Department of Agricultural Land Management, Nongviengkham Village, Xaythany District, Vientiane Capital, on November 28th to 30 November 2022.

The World Soil Day 2022 Celebration includes virtual seminars on soil improvement work in Lao PDR and exhibition of organic and bio fertilizers and organic vegetables at DALaM.
World Soil Day 2022 (#WorldSoilDay) and its campaign “Soils: Where food begins” aims to raise awareness of the importance of maintaining healthy ecosystems and human well-being by addressing the growing challenges in soil management, increasing soil awareness and encouraging societies to improve soil health


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