Herthor Porbounmixaithor, Phong Huynh, Ang Herchuechang, Bounyasit Saengmany, Sara Melki
This practical guide has been developed for development practitioners and those wishing to develop such value chains. It provides “key methods” based on the analysis of the experiences derived from developing the bamboo sector in Houaphan Province, a mountainous province situated in the northeast of Laos. These lessons learned and experiences, cumulated since 2010, has been documented within this guide by Sara Melki (Project manager) and the “Bamboo” project Team. Culminating from the efforts of Gret, together with villagers and provincial authorities, this guide is a reflection of how this rocess was conducted, experienced and perceived in the field.
Agrobiodiversity Conservation Policies and Initiatives, Capacity Building and Agricultural Education for Sustainability

Book, book chapter

published in 2016, English language