Benzoin Laos (Styrax tonkinensis), is known in Laos as the “Ton Yarn”.  It is a deciduous fast-growing tree that can reach 15–20 meters in height and a diameter of 30 cm or more found in upland fallow systems 800-1,600 meters above sea level.  Approximately 250 villages in three northern provinces of Laos (Phongsaly, Louang Prabang and Houaphanh) are involved in benzoin resin production on more than 10,000 hectares of rotational agriculture land mixed with a diversity of other plants and trees.  Benzoin has considerable economic potential although a number of constraints need to be addressed for farmers to take full advantage of the opportunities.

Capacity Building and Agricultural Education for Sustainability, Market Access and Value-Added Agro-Products

Report, case study report

published in 2020, English language
