Dr. Khamla Inkhavilay

Dr. Khamla Inkhavilay is the Deputy Director of the Research and Academic Service Office and the Director of the Center of Excellence in Environment at the National University of Laos (NoUL). The Center of Excellence conducts research, teaching, and training on Biodiversity and Conservation. The Research and Academic Service Office also plays an important role in […]

Professor Vichit Lamxay

In 2016 and 2020, Professor Vichit Lamxay was rewarded for his outstanding research by the Faculty of Natural Science of the National University of Laos. He has become a model for many in the field of botany and biodiversity. Professor Vichit Lamxay is a renowned researcher in biodiversity, recognized for his contributions to agroforestry, ecosystem […]

Dr. Phetlasy Souladeth

Dr. Phetlasy Souladeth, Assistant Professor and Head of the Scientific Research and Academic Services Division at the Faculty of Forestry, National University of Laos (NUoL), has dedicated her career to enhancing agrobiodiversity through her research on plant species. Her journey began with receiving the Darwin Scholarship, for which she trained after graduating with her bachelor’s […]