Boiled taraw palm fruit

boiled taraw plam fruit or joom Mak Kor, traditional Lao dessert


  • Taraw plam 20-25 
  • Sugarcane ½ tea spoon
  • Salt 1/5 teaspoon
  • Warm water 1 bowl

phakhaolao.laໝາກຄໍ້ຂຽວ / Taraw palm



  1. Soak taraw plam with water for 20 minutes, then soak taraw plam with warm water for 15-20 minutes (be carefully, do not use hot water)
  2. Peel taraw plam, then mix with sugar cane, salt
  3. Mix with streamed sticky rice

(do not use sugar is alternative)




Recipe from Kedsalin


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