Common Quail Lahp (Lahp Nok Ka Tha)

Common Quail Lahp (Lahp Nok Ka Tha)


  • Common Quail, 5
  • Small, banana flowers, 3
  • Red onion, 3
  • Coriander, 5 stalks
  • Spring green onion, 5 stalks
  • Marsh Mint, 1 bunch 
  • Roasted rice powder, 3 table spoons
  • Green chilies, 5-7 for garnish dish
  • Slice green chilies, 1 table spoon 
  • Lemons, 2


  1. Clean and grill bird. Then, chopped.
  2. Slice banana flower to small pieces (Soak in the water mix with salt or lemon while being slice and until bring it for cooking  
  3. Slice red onion and coriander 
  4. Mix bird, banana flower, red onion, chilies, and roasted rice powder together. Taste and adjust
  5. Garnish by coriander, marsh mint, and chilies 

Note: Serve with Passion fruit leaves



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