Fish conservation Zone at Ban Keng Men, Nam Bak District , Luangnamtha Province

The fish conservation zone management makes stable in fisheries

Why Fish conservation Zone (FCZ)?  

In the past, fish were both plentiful and easy to catch, but the use of destructive fishing methods has severally reduced fish pupation. There are not enough fish for everyone in the family to eat.

As a result, government staff help communities understand and solve the fisheries problems together. Engaging religious leader help to generate support for fish conservation efforts. Local leadership is one key to help communities understand and implement rules.


  • Children are also targeted the important of FCZs and rules,
  • Communities soon benefit from successful FCZ management
  • FCZ effort ensures everyone in the family can enjoy eating fish again.
  • Excess fish can the event be sold in markets to generate income.
  • FCZs can often attract tourism and can generate income.
  • Everyone in the communities can benefit from FCZs, especially the next generation

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