Gac Fruit Juice

High nutrition of Gac Fruit's menu

Gac fruit has the following nutritional and health benefits:

  • 40 times vitamin C of oranges
  • 10 times beta-carotene of carrots
  • 12 times lycopene of tomatoes
  • Promotes eye health
  • Has anti-bacterial properties
  • Good for the skin (fights ageing) 
  • Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease
  • Helps to destroy cancer cells and can fight prostate, lung, liver and stomach cancers


Gac fruit Juice, favorite drink for health lover due to the easy steps of making and easy to drink


  • 4-5 tea spoon for sugar or honey
  • 1/2 tea spoon for salt
  • 4-5 glasses of water
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 Gac Fruit


  1. Cut half of Gac Fruit


2. take out of seed and bruise aril for making water (add some water)


3. take out of Gac Fruit’s pulp by using spoon


4. Put Gac Fruit’s pulp and water from aril to the shake machine (add some water, and shake for 2-3 minutes)

5. Then, bring to the pot for boiling, around 10-15 minutes

6. add salt and sugar

7. Leave it cool and strain (if need) before drinking

To make fresher, add ice and lemon while taking a drink


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