Pareira barva jelly with Pureed fish (Moh Noi Pon Pah)

Pareira barva jelly made of local herbs


  • 10-20 Pareira barva leaf
  • 5 Yang leafs
  • 3 eggplant 
  • 5 chilies or more 
  • 2 shallots
  • 3 stalks for spring onion
  • 5 stalks for coriander
  • 2 catfish  (1/2 kg)
  • 2 table spoon for fermented fish or 1 tea spoon for salt
  • 1 L for water


preparing ingredient

  1. heat the pot, put water 2 big bowl
  2. cut catfish
  3. wash all ingredients
  4. put fermented fish, catfish, eggplant and chilies to the pot after heating the pot
  5. grill shallots
  6. after 10-15 minutes, transfer all stuffs from the pot to the plate


Method for Pureed fish 

  1. Put chilies and eggplants to the mortar, pound. 
  2. Separate bond from fish, and put fish to the mortar, pound again
  3. toss boiled water to the mortar, mix everything together
  4. separate into two part


Pareira barva Jelly

  1. bruise Yanang leafs and Pareira barva leaf with 2-3 cup of water 
  2. mix with Pureed fish 
  3. leave it for 2-3 minutes or more before serving



  • serve with sticky rice and vegetable
  • quantity of ingredients can be adapt as your favorite






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