Sweet purple rice (Khao Sungkaya)

There are many versions of sticky purple rice in Laos. For this recipe prefers to make sticky purple on top by coconut

•  150 g of purple rice
•  150 g of sticky rice
•  ½ coconut milk
•  1 cup of sugar
•  2 table spoon salt
•  Alum (for select quality of rice)
•  Pandanus leaves
Ingredients for custard
•  Coconut pieces
•  1 cup of water
•  Sugar
•  Salt

1.  First, wash the rice by using alum, again wash by water. Soak the rice in the water at least 3 hours (1 night is better)
2.  Stream rice with pandanus 30 minutes, reduce heat
3.  Stir coconut milk, salt and sugar together, simmering until sugar dissolve
4.  Lastly, Add cooked rice and coconut, stir together. covered for 30 minutes (open for first 10 minutes, then simmering)
Method (custard)
1.  Heat a wok, add coconut pieces and water, accompany by sugar and salt. The dish is ready when its consistency reaches a thick stew
2.  transfer cooked rice to the plate, garnish with custard
Information by SNV Netherlands Development Organisation 

Video by Kelly Phrommala


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