K. Souvannakhoummane, S. Lanorsavanh, L. V. Averyanov, V. Lamxay.

New species of Begonia L. in the flora of Laos presented in this paper were mainly found in the course of botanical surveys made in Hin Nam No National Protected Area, Nam Phouy National Protected Area, Khammouane Karst Forest, and Phou Khao Khouay National Protected Area. Additionally, herbaria presently available in Laos (HNL, FOF, NUoL, FRC), living plants, and alcohol preserved material at Pha Tad Ke Botanical Garden and the data accessible online at BM, E, K, LE, NY, P, and PE Herbaria were critically studied. The study conducted during 2012–2019 reveals seven new species for science and seven species newly recorded for the flora of Lao PDR. Species described as new for science are: B. glabritepala (found in Khammouane Province; it is most close to B. pierrei but differs in glabrous outer tepals of staminate flowers, pistillate flowers, capsules, petioles, peduncles and pedicles), B. heterocantha (found in Sainyabuli Province; most close to B. depingiana but differs in reddish purple, glandular pubescent abaxial leaf surface, glandular pubescent pedicel, and outer tepals of pistillate flowers sparsely white glandular pubescent), B. lanxangensis (found in Vientiane Province; most close to B. paleacea but differs in elongate tubers, ovate-lanceolate, obscurely asymmetrical to symmetrical leaves, and glabrous pedicels), B. parviglandulosa (found in Vientiane Province; most close to B. martabanica but differs in smaller habit, reniform-cordate leaves and glandular indumentum on peduncle, pedicle and capsules), B. pseudobrandisiana (found in Khammouane Province; most close to B. brandisiana but differs in pistillate flowers with five elliptic-oblanceolate tepals), B. tripartifolia (found in Khammouane Province; most close to B. tricuspidata but differs in leaves palmate triangular-ovate, with deeply lobed lacerate margin, pistillate flower of five tepals, and ovary with unequal wing), and B. viriditenebris (found in Khammouane Province; most close to B. sinuata but differs in single leaf, indumentum of bristle hairs and reddish or bronzy green adaxial leaf surface, and three styles). The following species discovered and recorded for the flora of Laos at first are: B. hatacoa (known in Nepal, Bhutan, NE India, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam), B. hemsleyana (China, Vietnam), B. labordei (NE India, Myanmar, S China, Vietnam), B. longifolia (tropical zone from NE India to Indonesia), B. minuscula (Vietnam), B. parvula (S China), and B. subperfoliata (Myanmar, Thailand, S Vietnam). Descriptions and line drawings are provided for all newly described species. Photographic illustrations, data on phenology, habitat, and notes on morphological variations and relations are given for all studied species.



published in 2021, language