Champassak folk grow crops and raise livestock for sale

People in Khong district, Champassak province, are growing more crops and rearing more animals for sale in an attempt to augment their incomes

The Sot village group is a focal development point because there is plenty of arable land for crop cultivation and for livestock. Each year, villagers earn money from the sale of rice and poultry. The Sot village group has 289 member families who rear cattle, and the Nayoby bank has provided more than 2.60 billion kip in funding. In 2014, the group had 764 head of cattle which increased to 2,964 animals in 2019. They have been selling cattle from 2016-2019. On average the group earns 12.13 billion kip from the sale of cattle and 9.75 billion kip from the sale of paddy rice, as well at least 3.6 billion kip from the sale of pigs and poultry. The group also earns money from the sale of vegetables so that every family has an income. This has helped to improve people’s living standards and things get better with each passing year. Mr Xian’s family is a model in the Sot village group because he owns 65 head of cattle and gets a harvest of about 22 tonnes of rice a year.

Information source: Vientiane Times.


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