Comma Talk Series

This Comma Talk series will be given by Niphaphone and is titled “Why community development is an important sector and need more qualified human resource?”. Niphaphone has experiences on sustainable agriculture production, market system development, policy dialogues, value chain development with key actor as private and farmer,102.6276164,15z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x7c5f7eceb7d43c78!8m2!3d17.9626446!4d102.6276164organization with gender and social equity integration. During the Comma Talk, she will talk about community development in Laos and the need for qualified candidates in the sector.

If you are interested in Lao community development and what it is like working in a development NGO, please come and join us. Free entry, registration needed! You can register via Whatsapp number: 856-20-5819-9566.

Event: Comma Talk Series
Date: Wednesday 23 October 2019
Time: From 18.00 onwards
Location: Comma Coffee-Reading Room, Vientiane


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