December 4, 2024
The white charcoal producers BKN Company LTD is encouraging is encouraging local residents in Laos to grow, restore and maintain Mai Tiew (Cratoxylon prunifolium) trees in order to supply raw material and meet the market demand for white charcoal. Currently, 344 farming families and three governmental organisations are participating in a project to grow Mai Tiew trees over 1,800 hectares in five provinces. As a result, the number of Mai Tiew trees has already increased with 30% this year.
To stimulate more farmers and local residents to join the project, the white charcoal producing company sets aside funds every year to create model families. These families help to promote and maintain a sustainable growth of the forests, what is in line with the government’s strategy to increase forest cover to 70% by 2020. Last week, the company handed over a total of 58.1 million Kip to 53 new model families in Thaphabaht district in Borikhamxay province. The rewarded families have been actively participating in growing, protecting and maintaining Mai Tiew. The company has announced to dish out six levels of prizes: the first prize carries a cash reward of 2 million Kip for four families, the second of 1.5 million Kip for 10 families, the third of 1.2 million Kip for 12 families, the fourth of 1 million Kip for 12 families, the fifth of 700,000 Kip for nine families, and the sixth of 500,000 kip for four families. There will also be a congratulatory prize of 200,000 Kip for two families. On the occasion, the company also donated tables and benches with the amount of 5 million Kip. Besides, the company gave funds to support the victims in the southern provinces (Savannakhet, Champassak, Saravanh, Xekong and Attapeu province) as well as dried food with a value of four million Kip.
BKN Company LTD exports around 1.200 tonnes of white charcoal a year, but it is still challenging to meet the market demands such as the conveniences from the government sector. Planting Mai Tiew trees will not only contribute to this challenge, but it will also help local people to earn a sustainable income as they are able to sell the materials to the white charcoal producing company.
Information source: Vientiane Times.