What more can the government do to help farmers?

The fuel shortage and the high price of fertilizer are creating serious problem for Lao farmers, who have called on the government to take urgent action to resolve the crisis.

Farmers are concerned that if this situation continues, next year’s harvest will be insufficient. Vientiane Time asked for people’s thoughts on what the government could do to ease farmer’s woes

Mr. Noy Sinthana a resident of Luangprabang province:  “I know the fuel shortage is a big problem for the government but they must have seen it coming when foreign currency reserves dwindled. Of course, it’s not an easy problem to solve in the short term. Nevertheless, the authorities should support farmers, because food security is important. I am afraid that the fuel shortage could result in a lack of rice and other crops for people to eat and farmers to sell. I urge everyone to be frugal in their use of fuel and not to travel unnecessarily, so that enough reserves of petrol are available for farmer”.


Source: Vientiane Times Newspaper 



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