Indian trumpet flower laph (Laph Mak Lin Mai)

Indian trumpet flower, can be cook for varies menu in Northern Lao such as laph


  • Beef 0,5 kg
  • Indian trumpet flower, 1
  • Roasted rice powder, 2 coffee spoon
  • Marsh Mint, 10 stalks        
  • Coriander, 4 stalks
  • Green chilies, 4
  • Fish sauces, 2 table spoons


  1. Clean and cut into medium pieces. Then, grill
  2. Grill Indian trumpet flower. Then, clean with water and slice to thin pieces 
  3. Clean and slice chilies, coriander, marsh mint
  4. Mix beef with Indian trumpet and adjust by fish sauces, roasted rice powder, chilies. Then, add coriander and taste before serving 

Note: To decrease bitter Soak Indian trumpet flower with salt about 4-5 tea spoon for 5 minutes. Then clean with water before cooking. 


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