Agricultural production help villages in Pakngun

Agriculture production is helping many families in Nongkaen village, Paknguem district, Vientiane to lead a better life

Mrs. Souphalack Porbounpha’s family in Nongkaen Village has become a model family in this context

Mrs. Souphalack said she was working in a company for seven years, but her salary was meagre. She decided to switch to agriculture production, and brought 14 hectares land in 2010

She cleared the land and started growth Liangnong bamboo on 1600 metres in 2011. She started selling bamboo shoots for a living. In 2014, she started growing mangoes. She went to study in Thailand for a year and learnt to grow mangoes there.

She planted 2700 mango trees, with 64 varieties of the fruit. She also grew 25 jackfruit trees. This helped her family earn 150 to 200 million kip per year

Besides, she dabbled in fish rearing and kept frog, cattle and chicken for sale, said Mrs. Souphalack

She said some trades come to her and buy her agricultural produce from the farm. She also advertises her products on the social media. She has sold her produce in trade fair too, and become a model family


source: Vientiane Time


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