Experts confirm that Fall Armyworm (FAW) is attacking maize crop in Northern Laos

NAFRI Fall Armyworm FAW workshop

The International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) and partners held a Fall Armyworm (FAW) workshop with partners from development, research and UN offices at NAFRI in Vientiane. The CIMMYT team had been in Xiangkhouang by invitation of the SDC funded LURAS project to assess the environmental and social issues associated with maize systems and to discuss future pathways for farmers to transition from the present high-intensive, monocropping maize growing systems with unsustainable management practices leading into more diverse livelihood and biologically integrated farming systems in which maize can play a role if produced using acceptable agronomic practices.

During this visit the CIMMYT team also observed a very high FAW infestation across a number of maize fields, including those managed by smallholder farmers, and a large commercial farm different districts. The field observation by the CIMMYT team support findings from the Plant Protection Department and FAO which now confirms FAW infestation in seven provinces of Laos. The workshop discussed different options for short-, medium- and  long-term collaborative response and actions by all agencies. Partners such as Helvetas are already translating available CIMMYT materials for distribution to farmers as infographics and posters,  and next steps are being planned to urgently support the government to tackle the FAW by training staff of PAFO and DAFO and establishing FAW population monitoring system and a rational, evidence-based integrated pest management strategy with MAF/NAFRI.

Here are some photos evidence of the Fall Armyworm (FAW) attacked Maize field in Xiengkhuang province Last week, Knowledge is power, let’s share it!





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